Pure water does not conduct electricity because it lacks ions necessary for the flow of electrical current. To make it conducting, we can add impurities or electrolytes like salt.

Pure water, consisting only of H2O molecules, lacks ions necessary for the conduction of electricity. In its purest form, water has a low concentration of ions and thus does not allow for the flow of electrical current. However, when impurities or electrolytes are added to water, such as salt (NaCl), they dissociate into ions (Na+ and Cl-) which enable the water to conduct electricity by facilitating the movement of charged particles.
Does pure water conduct electricity?
No, it doesn’t because it lacks ions.
What makes water conductive?
Adding impurities or electrolytes like salt makes water conductive.
Can distilled water conduct electricity?
Distilled water is purer than regular tap water, so it conducts even less electricity.
Why is salt water conductive?
Salt water contains dissolved ions from the salt, allowing it to conduct electricity.
How does water conduct electricity in our bodies?
Our body fluids contain electrolytes, enabling them to conduct electricity.
Can we make pure water conductive without adding impurities?
No, pure water requires ions to conduct electricity.
Why does water with impurities conduct better?
Impurities provide ions, which increase conductivity by facilitating the flow of charge.
Is all water conductive?
No, only water containing ions or impurities conducts electricity.
Can water conduct electricity in its natural state?
Natural water sources like rivers and lakes contain dissolved minerals, making them conductive.
How do water purification methods affect conductivity?
Purification methods like distillation or reverse osmosis remove impurities, decreasing conductivity.